Microbiology Society Annual Conference 2022
The Microbiology Society is returning to Belfast and its International Convention Centre for the organisation’s flagship meeting. This is going to take place between 4-7 April 2022.
The Annual Conference attracts over 1,600 people each year, making it the UK’s largest annual gathering of microbiologists. The Conference covers the breadth of current microbiological research and its oral abstracts and posters reflect this comprehensive scientific programme.
Submissions are open across the event’s broad range of sessions. These take place in a number of formats, including symposia, virus workshops and eukaryotic and prokaryotic fora. In addition to the scientific programme, there will be a series of Professional Development sessions for all delegates to enable them to enhance their microbiology skills.
The Microbiology Society Annual Conference is a key feature in the calendar of a microbiologist – with plenty of formal and informal networking opportunities for both early career and established microbiologists.
Early bird discounted rates close on 28 February 2022
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