PhD position Ecology and Evolution of Microbial Infectious Ecosystems
The Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences (GELIFES) is looking for a talented and enthusiastic quantitative microbiologist for a fully funded 4-year PhD position. The PhD candidate for this project will be working at the Microbial Population Biology group in Groningen.
PhD candidates will receive excellent training through cutting-edge research projects, advanced courses and training opportunities, complemented by workshops on generic research, transferable skills and teaching. As a PhD candidate, you are committed to conduct independent and original scientific research, to report on this research in international publications and presentations, and to present the results of the research in a PhD dissertation, to be completed within 4 years.
Project summary
Polymicrobial infections can be viewed as ecosystems in which the community members interact. It is an open question how ecological interactions affect the evolution of the community members. In this project we will address the role of these interactions on the evolution of the community members, and the development of antibiotic resistance. In the project we will use polymicrobial urinary tract infections as a model system to study these eco-evolutionary interactions by means of experimental ecology and evolution. The work will consist of a combination of microbial growth experiments, molecular biology and biochemistry, sequencing, data analysis and modeling.
Specific requirements:
- MSc with specialization in microbiology, ecology or evolution, quantitative biology
- skills in data management and analysis, statistics and programming
- a good command of English (oral and written)
- an enthusiastic and a team-worker, has a passion for science
- is highly motivated to work within the field of microbial ecology and evolution at the interface with medicine
- possess excellent communication skills and the ability to write scientific papers and deliver presentations
The conditions of employment are available at the University of Groningen website under Human Resources: