Post-Doctoral Research Grant in Metagenomics: Portugal
Scientific area: Biological Sciences
Admission Requirements: The postdoctoral research grant can be awarded only if the following requirements are cumulatively met:
a) Ph.D. degree obtained in the three years prior to the start date of the grant;
b) The post-doctoral research will be carried out in a host entity other than the one in which the research work leading to the award of the Ph.D. degree was carried out;
c) The grant holder does not exceed, with the celebration of the grant contract in question, including possible renewals, an accumulated period of three years in this fellowship type, followed or interpolated. Candidates must hold a PhD degree in the areas of Biological Sciences or Engineering or in similar areas. Candidates must demonstrate the ability to work in Molecular Microbiology and particularly in Bioinformatics, with preference given to candidates who have experience in analyzing highthroughput sequencing data.
Work plan: The activity to be carried out by the fellow is part of a module of a research project whose main objective is to generate and analyse metagenomics and quantitative PCR data in order to diagnose natural environments exposed to human action. The research fellow will participate in all tasks of the project module, from literature review to the collection and analysis of research data, to the writing of reports and scientific articles.
Applicable legislation and regulations: – Statute of the Scientific Research Fellowship:; – Research Foundation Regulations of the Science and Technology Foundation, I.P.:; – Regulation of Scientific Research Fellowships of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Workplace: The work will be developed at CBQF – Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina da Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, under the supervision of Prof. Célia Manaia.
Duration of the scholarship (s): The scholarship, on an exclusive basis, will start on 15-03-2020 and will last for 6 months. This scholarship may be renewed for periods of 6 months, and may not exceed the end date of the project. Monthly maintenance allowance amount: Remuneration will be in accordance with FCT, I.P. guidelines
( and will be paid by bank transfer. (currently € 1600,00 euros per month, free of tax).
Selection methods: The selection be based on the: i) curriculum evaluation (40%); ii) previous experience (60%). If necessary, the final decision may involve an interview with the best positioned candidates, and in this situation, the weighting will be curriculum evaluation (35%); ii) previous experience (50%) and selection interview (15%).
Composition of the Selection Jury: President of the Jury: Prof. Dr. Manuela Pintado; Effective members: Prof. Dr. Célia Manaia; Prof. Dr. Ivone Vaz-Moreira;
Advertising / notification of results: The jury deliberates in accordance with the selection criteria adopted and disclosed. The jury meetings minutes will contain a summary of the meeting content. After completing the application of the selection criteria, the jury proceeds with the elaboration of the ordered list, with the ranking of the approved candidates. The ranking list of eligible candidates will be posted on the premises of the Portuguese Catholic University, in Porto, located at Rua de Diogo Botelho, 1327, 4169-005 Porto – Portugal, with each candidate being notified of his / her position on the list ranking of candidates via email. In this email, candidate will be identified according to the reference used in the posted ranking list. Ineligible applicants will be notified by email, with details of the missing eligibility elements.
Complaint and appeal procedures: Candidates have a period of ten working days, after the disclosure referred to in the previous number, to give their opinion at a prior hearing. Deadline for acceptance of the scholarship: Within ten working days following notification of the grant award, the selected candidate must confirm in writing his/her availability to start the scholarship on the proposed date. Failing to do so or not having availability, the candidate placed in the next position will be called.
Application deadline and form of submission: Applications will be accepted from the 14.02.2010 a 02.03.2020.
Applications should be made through the Aplication Form, available at:
You will need to submit the following documents:
a) Motivation letter, identifying the project title and reference, describing the candidate’s motivation and professional goals;
b) Detailed Curriculum Vitae (should contain all elements to assess admission requirements, including language skills and research experience);
c) Copy of the certificates of academic degrees, with the final grades *.
d) Copy of scientific publications and other works that the candidate may consider relevant;
e) Indication of contacts of three supervisors or team members with whom the candidate has worked in the last 5 years.
* If the Doctoral Degree has been awarded by a non-Portuguese higher education institution it must comply with the provisions of the Portuguese legislation on the recognition of foreign degrees, regulated by Decree-Law no. 66/2018 of August 16th.
The signature of the contract is conditional on the presentation of the formal document. Applicants are advised to check the website of the Directorate- General for Higher Education (DGES) for further information:
Applications will only be complete with the submission of all the above documents. Ineligible applications will be those that do not meet the admission requirements, submitted late and incomplete.
Privacy Policy: Universidade Católica Portuguesa is the controller responsible for the processing of Personal Data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 – General Regulation on Data Protection. The personal data processed in the scope of this tender procedure is processed within the framework of said tender procedure only, and will be processed by Universidade Católica Portuguesa with the purpose of verifying the fulfilment, by the candidates, of the assumptions established in the applicable legislation for their contracting. Opposition to the processing of data by the candidates will make it impossible to accept the application and, therefore, to analyze and evaluate it. The personal data of the Data Subject, if it be indispensable for the fulfilment of the obligations of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, may be conveyed to third parties, namely to the Financing Entities identified in this announcement. The data retention period shall correspond to the legally defined period of five years. The Data Subject is entitled to oppose to the collection and processing of data, has the right to verification, the right to rectification, the right to deletion, and the right to restriction of processing of the data collected. However, the exercise of such rights may be excluded when the personal data is used to protect public interest, namely in the detection and prevention of crimes or when subject to professional rules of confidentiality. The Data Subject has the right of access and portability of the data.
Rights of Personal Data Subjects: For purposes of exercising the respective rights, contact the University through the e-mail address or by using the address found at the end of this announcement, through the means set out in “Contacts for clarification”. The Data Subject is always entitled to contact and file a complaint with the Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados (Portuguese Supervisory Authority for Personal Data). Non-discrimination and equal access policy: The Universidade Católica Portuguesa actively promotes a non-discrimination and equal access policy, wherefore no candidate can be privileged, benefited, impaired or deprived of any rights whatsoever, or be exempt of any duties based on their ancestry, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, family and economic conditions, instruction, social origin or condition, genetic heritage, reduced working capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological convictions, and union membership.
If you have any questions about this position, please contact: Direção de Recursos Humanos Vera Fontes Email: Tel.: +351 226196239