PostDoc positions
Postdoc in Electromicrobiology: Denmark
The Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, invites applicants for a 2-year postdoc position on the Electromicrobiology of homoacetogenic bacteria.
The position is available from 15/06/2019 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Job description
You are expected to investigate the H2 utilization thermodynamics and kinetics of homoacetogenic bacteria and explore if differences in the H2 utilization thermodynamics and kinetics can explain the different capacities of homoacetogenic strains to withdraw electrons from electrodes and zero-valent iron. This work aims to increase the understanding of extracellular electron uptake mechanisms of homoacetogenic bacteria, which is of importance to optimize applications such as microbial electrosynthesis and to develop strategies against biocorrosion.
You will also be involved in educational activities as supervisor of master and bachelor student projects and will have the opportunity to teach in courses related to your expertise.
Your profile
Applicants should hold a PhD in Microbiology, Bioengineering, Biotechnology, or another relevant discipline. Previous experience with electromicrobiology, bioelectrochemical systems, biocorrosion or the physiology of anaerobic bacteria is required. A theoretical background with microbial thermodynamics and kinetics will be important for this project. Additional requirements are English fluency, excellent reporting skills, being able to work independently and an enthusiastic mentality.
Applicants are encouraged to include a max. 1-page statement on their research ideas on the proposed project and to include the contact information of two references.
For further information please contact: Assistant Professor Jo Philips, (