
Postdoc in Environmental Microbiology: Germany

The newly established Department of Environmental Microbiology at the Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management (ISWA) at the University of Stuttgart is delighted to announce an open DFG-funded position for a Postdoctoral Researcher (3 years).

Project Overview:

Karstified and fractured subsurface aquifers serve as vital sources of drinking water globally. However, the infiltration of nitrate (NO3-) from agricultural fertilizers poses significant challenges, as elevated nitrate levels can have adverse health effects. The European Union has established strict standards (50 mg/L) for nitrate concentrations in drinking water, which are often exceeding in regions with intensive agricultural activity.
This project aims to unravel the role of microorganisms in nitrate turnover within subsurface aquifers. Specifically, we will determine the taxonomy and functional capabilities of denitrifying microorganisms inhabiting carbonate rock in the catchment of the Ammer river in south-west Germany. In addition, we will explore microbial colonization of porous rock matrix through in-vitro experiments with denitrifying microorganisms.

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