
Professorship in Applied Bioinformatics: Germany

The University of Konstanz has been successful in the German Excellence Initiative since 2007. The Department of Biology in the Faculty of Sciences, subject to the approval of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg and the University Council, seeks to fill a

Tenure Track Professorship in Applied Bioinformatics (salary category W1) at the earliest possible date. The position is funded in the context of the joint programme for the promotion of early career researchers by the German federal and state-governments.

Applicants are recognized for creative and innovative approaches to computational analysis of nucleic acids and/or proteins including quantitative analysis of large scale data. The candidate is also expected to complement our research focus on Chemical Biology (e.g. the Graduate School Chemical Biology or the Collaborative Research Centre 969) or Ecology (e.g. GRK 2272 R3 on the response and resilience of aquatic ecosystems or the excellence cluster Collective Behaviour) with an original research program. For further details about our research activities see: Furthermore, the candidate will contribute to teaching in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics at BSc and MSc levels. According to the programme for the promotion of early career researchers, eligible candidates must hold a university degree and a doctorate and are in general within 6 years after start of the PhD (for further details see: position is endowed with a start-up package, personnel resources and own laboratory / office space.

The position is a tenure track position leading to an appointment as a W3 professor. If the evaluation is positive, the tenure track professor will obtain tenure as a W3 professor after completing a simplified version of the professorial appointment process. Information about the evaluation process and criteria is available in the “Satzung über das Tenure-Track-Verfahren” (tenure track statutes, in German)

The University of Konstanz is committed to ensuring an environment that promotes equal opportunities and promotes diversity as well as a good balance between university and family life.

As an equal opportunity employer, we strive to increase the number of women working in research and teaching. We also support working couples through our dual career programme (

Persons with disabilities are explicitly encouraged to apply. They will be given preference if appropriately qualified (contact: Tel. + 49 (0)7531 88-4016).

Applications are to be sent electronically as one pdf-file to by 15.03.2019. For further information please contact the Faculty Director Ms. Helgard Fischer,, or the Head of the Department Prof. Mark van Kleunen, Additional information is available on the homepages of the University ( and the Department of Biology (

Please enclose your curriculum vitae, publication list, a list of grants and awards, details of teaching experience, statements on current research topics, future research directions and interests), as well as a completed submission form (see pdf-link below).

Information as per Article 12 GDPR on the collection and processing of personal data during the application process is available from

Further details
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