
Understanding Human Diseases Through Metabolomics: Interactions Among the Genome, Proteome, Gut Microbiome and Nutrition: 3-8 February 2019, USA

The GRC: Understanding Human Diseases Through Metabolomics: Interactions Among the Genome, Proteome, Gut Microbiome and Nutrition will be held on 3-8 February 2019 at Ventura, CA, USA.

In this Gordon Conference series,  state of the art metabolomics technologies and their applications  of studying human health and disease will be highlighted. The most recent developments in the field covering applications of metabolomics for deeper understanding of disease mechanisms, disease heterogeneity and disease progression; variation in treatment outcomes and enablement of precision medicine approaches; connections between metabolome, proteome and genome and atlases being created; effects of exposome, diet and gut microbiome on human metabolome and health etc. will be addressed.

There is a scope for securing financial assistance for which you are requested to visit the website.

Important date

Application deadline: 6 January 2019

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