Out Now: Thematic Issue on Spirit of Yeast


We are proud to announce the publication of the latest Thematic Issue of papers from FEMS Yeast Research on Spirit of Yeast. Featuring 2 perspectives, 3 minireviews, 9 research and 1 protocol articles, this Thematic Issue marks the first joint congress between the 15th International Congress on Yeasts (ICY15) and the 30th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology (ICYGMB30).

Read: Spirit of Yeast

Image from: “Packing a punch: understanding how flavours are produced in lager fermentations” by Claire Lin Lin, Roberto de la Cerda García-Caro, Penghan Zhang, Silvia Carlin, Andrea Gottlieb, Mikael Agerlin Petersen, Urska Vrhovsek and Ursula Bond

The  International Congress on Yeasts and the International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology represent two long-standing yeast conference series that came together in 2021 to organise this joint conference. Although both are wide in scope, the meetings organised by the International Commission on Yeasts (ICY and ISSY meetings) tend to represent yeast diversity in its broadest sense, often with ecological, physiological or biotechnological themes, whereas ICYGMB meetings are traditionally focused on quite fundamental aspects of S. cerevisiae genetics and molecular biology. Recent congresses in both series have, however, seen increasing overlap and common interests and so it is very interesting to see the joint endeavour this year. As the yeast community journal, it is appropriate that FEMS Yeast Research is publishing this special issue to mark the first joint congress between these two large (and overlapping) yeast communities.

This thematic issue (TI) comprises papers published in the past year by attendees at the ICY15/ICYGMB30 conference. These comprise original articles, reviews and perspective pieces. At the time of the conference ~15 articles have already been published with more in-train. The call for papers has been extended to 30th September for submission of original research papers by an attendee at the conference (presenting or corresponding author). All manuscripts must adhere to the published scope of the journal and will be peer-reviewed to the normal high standard of FEMS Yeast Research. The cover letter must indicate the article is to be considered for the Spirit of Yeast Thematic Issue. Articles are published on a rolling basis and the official launch of the TI will be in early 2022.

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