We are proud to bring you our 3 recently published Thematic Issues from FEMS Microbiology Ecology, Pathogens and Diseases and FEMS Yeast Research. Read more:
The Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance Thematic Issue covers the increasingly recognized global challenge of antimicrobial resistance that is threatening human and animal health, food security, and the global economy. The role of the environment in antimicrobial resistance has been listed by the United Nations Environment Program as an emerging issues of concern. Effective policies and actions to combat antibiotic resistance depend on better understanding this problem. This includes factors driving the development of antibiotic resistance, such as current antibiotic usage practices in different sectors, the global scope and nature of the problem, and the most effective mitigation and stewardship practices.
The Emerging and Re-emerging Viruses Thematic Issue explores the latest research on virology, including studies on henipavirus, herd immunity, and Zika virus.
Lastly, in the Emerging and Re-emerging Viruses Thematic Issue you can find a collection of nine minireviews from leading scientists in the field on recent advances in synthetic biology and metabolic engineering of yeasts. We thank all the authors for their contributions and providing these timely perspectives. We hope that these will serve as a useful and enjoyable reference, as well as a source of inspiration for yeast researchers.
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