Out Now: Virtual Special Issue for the 7th Conference on Physiology of Yeasts and Filamentous Fungi (PYFF7)


To accompany the 7th Conference on Physiology of Yeasts and Filamentous Fungi (PYFF7) which took place in Milan this year, we have worked with the Editor-in-Chief of FEMS Yeast Research, Professor John Morrissey, to curate a Virtual Special Issue featuring selection of articles on the topic of fungus physiology.

The collection is bookended by viewpoints from career extremes. It opens with restrospectives from two giants of the yeast community. Bernard Dujon and Reed Wickner reflect on how life and career intertwined as they built their scientific careers. And the final two articles (1 and 2) are directed towards researchers setting out on the same, or perhaps different, paths. The advice on training and career development provides very useful insights and will be though provoking for many.

In between, we feature articles on different aspects of yeast and fungal physiology, how we study it, and how it affects biotechnology and ecology. There are updates on the development of genomic tools – and how many people knew that Bernard Dujon’s career started with fundamental research on the I-SceI homing endonuclease, which was a forerunner of current genome engineering techniques?

Reports and reviews on diversity and ecology, metabolism and regulation, stress and biotechnology complete the series. We hope that this snapshot of yeast and fungal studies from the family of FEMS journals highlights the scope and quality of our journals and we will be delighted to receive your exciting research for publication!

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