Volunteer: Simone Krings

I studied Biomedical Sciences at the University of Liège (Belgium).
My interest for microbiology arose during an internship in the laboratory of clinical microbiology at the university hospital, where I have been handling patients’ samples and detecting antimicrobial resistances. Following this experience, I performed my Master’s thesis on a subject in relation with the gut microbiota, as the fact that we live in contact with such a high number of bacteria keeps on fascinating me. Following my Master’s degree, I have been working on a project about collective kitchens in Belgium, giving me the opportunity to broaden my knowledge in the field of food microbiology, molecular and bioinformatical tools.
Currently, I am looking for new opportunities, as I would like to perform my PhD thesis in the field of microbiology. In the meantime, I took this opportunity to do public engagement with FEMS, as I have great hopes that the OnThisDay project will render microbiology more tangible for everyone.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simone-krings-bb363611a/
Email: simone.krings10@gmail.com

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