FEMS-sponsored events – archive


date country event
12.11.2015 Spain 3rd Meeting on Microbial Stress: from Molecules to Systems
09.11.2015 Denmark DSM Congress 2015
27.10.2015 Italy 3rd International Conference on Microbial Diversity: The challenge of Complexity
22.10.2015 Greece 9th Balkan Congress of Microbiology
11.10.2015 Israel Tetrapyrrole photoreceptors of photsynthetic organisms
29.09.2015 Portugal 11th International Meeting on Yeast Apoptosis
29.09.2015 Germany 6th European Conference on Prokaryotic and Fungal Genomics
27.09.2015 Italy SIM 2015 – National Congress
23.09.2015 Croatia Central European Symposium on Antimicrobials and Antimicrobial Resistance (CESAR2015)
23.09.2015 Italy Microbiology 2015 – 31st Meeting of the Italian Society of General Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnologies (SIMGBM)
20.09.2015 Germany 5th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter (SOM)
20.09.2015 Croatia Power of Fungi and Mycotoxins in Health and Disease
14.09.2015 Italy 13th National Congress of the Italian Society for Virology
13.09.2015 Italy 32nd International Specialized Symposium on Yeasts (ISSY2015): Yeast Biodiversity and Biotechnology in the Twenty-First Century
06.09.2015 Italy 27th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology
23.08.2015 United Kingdom 6th European Phycological Congress
19.07.2015 Austria 6th International Conference on Analysis of Microbial Cells at the Single Celle Level
07.07.2015 Spain 25th Congress of the Spanish Society for Microbiology
20.06.2015 Portugal 17th European Workshop on Bacterial Protein Toxins
14.06.2015 Italy BAGECO-13 – 13th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology – The Microbial Continuity Across Evolving Ecosystems
03.06.2015 Greece 10th International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter
20.05.2015 Belgium 12th Yeast Lipid Conference
17.05.2015 Germany International Meeting on Antibiotic resistance – the environmental dimension
16.05.2015 France Molecular Mechanisms of Host-Pathogen Internations and Virulence in Human Fungal Pathogens – HFP2015
23.04.2015 Slovakia Hot Topics in Microbiology – International Conference for Young Scientists
22.04.2015 Spain 8th Conference on Recombinant Protein Production – A comparative view on host physiology
16.04.2015 Serbia 10th Serbian Congress of Microbiology
12.04.2015 Denmark 4th Workshop on Microbial Sulfur Metabolism
30.03.2015 France EMBO workshop: Modern DNA concepts and tools for safe gene transfer and modification
29.03.2015 Israel Microbiology 2015 – Health and Environment
15.03.2015 Portugal Meeting on Bacterial Respiratory Chains
01.03.2015 Germany Annual Conference of the German Society for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM)

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date country event
12.11.2014 Turkey Turkish Society of Microbiology XXXVI National Congress
26.10.2014 Germany 2nd Transnational Workshop on Genomics and Transcriptomics in Geobiotechnology and White Biotechnology
16.10.2014 Estonia 2nd Congress of Baltic Microbiologists
09.10.2014 Moldova 2nd International Conference on Microbial Biotechnology
08.10.2014 Turkey 17th International Symposium on the Biology of Actinomycetes
07.10.2014 Bulgaria 13th Congress of the Bulgarian Microbiologists with International Participation
05.10.2014 Germany 4th Joint Conference – Microbiology and Infection
17.09.2014 Croatia Power of Viral Vectors in Gene Therapy and Basic Science, Summer School
13.09.2014 Croatia Microbial Specialised Metabolites: Origins and Applications
07.09.2014 Russia 10th International Congress on Extremophiles, Extremophiles 2014
07.09.2014 Netherlands 9th European Workshop on the Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria
03.09.2014 Poland International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium, IBBS-16
31.08.2014 Netherlands 11th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria – Health, Sustainability , Diversity and Application
12.07.2014 Portugal The 18th European Bioenergetics Conference
04.07.2014 Hungary 4th Central European Summer Course on Mycology: Biology of Pathogenic Fungi and the 1st Rising Stars in Mycology Workshops
24.06.2014 France Microbiology in the New Genomics Era – Genomics 2014
16.06.2014 United Kingdom 9th Joint Rowett/INRA Symposium, Gut Microbiology: from Sequence to Function
02.06.2014 United Kingdom Young Microbiologists Symposium on Microbe Signalling, Organisation and Pathogenesis
01.06.2014 Spain XIIIth International Nidovirus Symposium
28.05.2014 Macedonia 5th Congress of Macedonian Microbiologists with International Participation
15.05.2014 Netherlands 9th International Conference on Cryptococcus and Cryptococcosis, ICCC9
09.04.2014 United Kingdom 6th European Spores Conference
02.04.2014 France From Emerging to Pandemic Viruses: Interplay Between Host Ecology and Viral Evolution. Conferences Jaques Monod CJM
01.04.2014 United Kingdom VIBRIO 2014
30.03.2014 Germany Stalked alpha-Proteobacteria and Relatives: from Genes to Structure
23.03.2014 Spain 12th European Conference on Fungal Genetics, ECFG12
































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Date country event
06.12.2013 Portugal MicroBiotec’13 – Portugese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology
02.12.2013 United Kingdom Diagnosis and clinical impact of anaerobic infections
18.11.2013 Denmark DMS Congress 2013
23.10.2013 Italy Microbial Diversity 2013: Microbial Interactions in Complex Ecosystems
19.10.2013 Spain Comparative Genomics of Eukaryotic Microorganisms: Patterns of Complexity in Eukaryotic Genomes
13.10.2013 Italy 41st National Congress of the Italian Society of Microbiology
09.10.2013 Croatia Power of Microbes in Industry and Environment 2013
02.10.2013 France 10th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers , IMMEM-10
02.10.2013 Bulgaria 8th Balkan Congress of Microbiology
22.09.2013 Germany 1st European Conference on Natural Products: Research and Applications
20.09.2013 Ukraine 21st FEMS Delegates Meeting (D13-21)
18.09.2013 Italy Microbiology
11.09.2013 France 5th European Congress of Virology
08.09.2013 Italy Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology SAME13
08.09.2013 Germany Thermophiles 2013
07.09.2013 Switzerland 14th International Conference on Pseudomonas 2013
29.08.2013 Germany 26th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology
22.07.2013 Germany 104th FEMS Executive Committee Meeting
10.07.2013 Spain 24th Meeting of the Spanish Society for Microbiology
19.06.2013 Germany 9th International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter
25.05.2013 France Molecular Mechanisms of Host -Pathogen Interactions and Virulence – HFP2013
26.04.2013 Norway 4th Microbial Genome Maintenance Meeting GMM4
24.04.2013 Estonia Biodeterioration of Wood and Wood Products, BWWP 2013
10.03.2013 Germany International Conference on Microbiology. Annual Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM) in Collaboration with the Royal Netherlands Society for Microbiology (KNVM)


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Date Country event
14.11.2012 Ireland Marine Microbiology and Biotechnology: Biodiscovery, Biodiversity and Bioremediation
03.11.2012 Turkey XXXV. General Meeting of Turkish Society of Microbiology
31.10.2012 Latvia 1st Congress of Baltic Microbiologists, CBM 2012
25.10.2012 Germany Actinobacteria within Soils: Capacities for Mutualism, Symbiosis and Pathogenesis
30.09.2012 Germany 64th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM) 2012
26.09.2012 Croatia 5th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation
23.09.2012 Croatia Central European Symposium on Antimicrobials and Antimicrobial Resistance – CESAR 2012
17.09.2012 Italy 11th National Congress of the Italian Society for Virology
16.09.2012 Italy 9th International Meeting on Yeast Apoptosis IMYA
11.09.2012 France Tuberculosis 2012, Biology, Pathogenesis, Intervention strategies
10.09.2012 Spain 9th International Congress on Extremophiles
09.09.2012 Germany XVIIIth International Pathogenic Neisseria Conference IPNC 2012
05.09.2012 Poland XXVII Congress of the Polish Society of Microbiologists, “Microbes without borders”
25.08.2012 Croatia Microbial Metabolites in Nature and Medicine – Summer School in Applied Molecular Microbiology
19.08.2012 Denmark The Power of the Small, ISME14 , International Society for Microbial Ecology Symposium 14
15.07.2012 France 19th Congress of the International Organisation for Mycoplasmology (IOM)
09.07.2012 Hungary 3rd Central European Summer Course on Mycology: Biology of Pathogenic Fungi
17.06.2012 France 8th INRA-RRI Symposium on Gut Microbiology; Gut Microbiota: Friend or Foe?
07.06.2012 Germany Coinfections 2012, a Meeting of the European Academy of Microbiology
06.06.2012 Croatia Vth International Conference on Molecular Mechanisms of Fungal Cell Wall Biogenesis
03.06.2012 France Europic 2012
10.05.2012 Italy Microbial Stress Responses: from Molecules to Systems
22.04.2012 Austria 8th International Conference: Contaminants in Freezing Ground, CFG8
16.04.2012 United Kingdom 5th European Spores Conference
15.04.2012 Netherlands 3rd Workshop on Microbial Sulfur Metabolism
10.04.2012 Italy Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology in the Frame of the Knowledge-Based Bio & Green Economy – EMB2012
30.03.2012 Germany 11th European Conference on Fungal Genetics
18.03.2012 Germany Annual Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology
14.03.2012 Germany 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Virology, GfV

























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Date country event
07.11.2011 Denmark 2011 Symposium of the Danish Microbiological Society
25.10.2011 Serbia 7th Balkan Congress of Microbiology
19.10.2011 Croatia Power of Fungi and Mycotoxins in Health and Disease
15.10.2011 Spain Comparative Genomics of Eukaryotic Microorganisms: Understanding the Complexity of Diversity
07.10.2011 France The Second International Fungal Cell Wall Meeting
21.09.2011 Italy 29th SIMGBM National Meeting
19.09.2011 Austria International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-15
12.09.2011 Italy 10th National Congress of the Italian Society for Virology
11.09.2011 Germany ISSM 2011 – 8th International Symposium of Subsurface Microbiology
11.09.2011 Ukraine Non-Conventional Yeasts in the Postgenomic Era, NCY 2011
04.09.2011 Slovenia The 4th International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology
04.09.2011 Italy XVIII Lancefield International Symposium
28.08.2011 Netherlands 10th Lactic Acid Bacteria Symposium
17.07.2011 Germany Enzymes in the Environment: Activity, Ecology and Applications
11.07.2011 Spain 23rd Meeting of the Spanish Society for Microbiology
15.06.2011 Slovakia 7th ISAM – International Symposium of Anaerobic Microbiology
12.06.2011 Switzerland Multi-Drug Efflux Systems: From Molecular Mechanisms to Pharmacological Modulation
26.05.2011 Norway Fighting Infections: Challenges and Recent Progress. A British-Scandinavian Meeting in Microbiology
14.05.2011 Germany 13th International Cytomegalovirus/BetaHerpesvirus Workshop
11.05.2011 Sweden 7th European Workshop on Bacterial Respiratory Chains: Biochemistry, Genetics, Assembly and their Regulation
07.05.2011 France HFP2011: Molecular Mechanisms of Host-Pathogen Interactions and Virulence in Human Fungal Pathogens
27.04.2011 Czech Republic Ecology of Soil Microorganisms
18.04.2011 Netherlands 100th Centenary Symposium NVvM & Scientific Spring Meeting NVvM & NVMM
12.04.2011 Germany Emerging Topics in Microbial Pathogenesis- a FEMS-Leopoldina-Symposium
03.04.2011 Germany Annual Conference of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology, VAAM
16.02.2011 Austria 6th Conference on Recombinant Protein Production
10.02.2011 Greece 5th National Congress for Clinical Microbiology and Hospital Infections
03.02.2011 United Kingdom The Human Microbiome in the Context of Anaerobic Infection
31.01.2011 France Biofilms in Nosocomial Fungal Infections

























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date country event
03.10.2010 Germany The 12th International Symposium on Biopolymers
03.10.2010 France Conference on New Frontiers in Microbiology and Infection. Salmonella: from Basic Science to Clinical Issues (ESCMID/FEMS Conference 2010)
22.09.2010 Croatia Power of Microbes in Industry and Environment 2010
12.09.2010 Portugal The 8th International Congress on Extremophiles
05.09.2010 Spain Bacterial Networks
01.09.2010 United Kingdom Microbial Biofuels Symposium
01.09.2010 Italy International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter
21.08.2010 Croatia Microbial Metabolites: Signals to Drugs
01.08.2010 United Kingdom 9th International Mycological Congress (IMC9: The Biology of Fungi)
11.07.2010 Italy 18th Congress of the International Organization for Mycoplasmology
05.07.2010 Hungary 2nd Central European Summer Course on Mycology: Biology of Pathogenic Fungi
23.06.2010 United Kingdom 7th Joint Rowett/INRA Symposium. Gut Microbiology: New Insighs into Gut Microbial Ecosystems
22.04.2010 Hungary Pathogenomics – From Basic Research to Practical Application
07.04.2010 Italy 4th European Congress of Virology
29.03.2010 Netherlands 10th European Conference on Fungal Genetics (ECFG10)
28.01.2010 Italy Pseudomonas in the Test Tube and in the Environment. A Celebration of Enrica Galli’s Legacy at the Time of her Retirement


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date country event
13.10.2009 France Legionella 2009
04.10.2009 Switzerland ESCMID/FEMS Conference: From Microbial Pathogenesis to the Discovery of Antivirulence Drugs
23.09.2009 France XXIst Conference on Phage/Virus Assembly
23.09.2009 Croatia Central European Symposium on Antimicrobial Resistance (CESAR2009)
09.09.2009 Germany 5th Orthomyxovirus Research Conference
02.09.2009 Italy EuroBiofilms2009 1st European Congress on Microbial Biofilms
26.08.2009 France The 27th International Specialised Symposium on Yeast: ” Pasteur’s Legacy: Yeast for Health and Biotechnologies”
28.06.2009 Sweden 3rd FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists
18.06.2009 Czech Republic 6th International Symposium of Anaerobic Microbiology
07.05.2009 Austria Microbial Stress Responses: from Molecules to Systems
02.05.2009 France HFP2009, Human Fungal Pathogens: Molecular Mechanisms of Host-Pathogen Interactions and Virulence
04.04.2009 Germany Metabolism Meets Virulence Workshop
15.03.2009 Portugal EMBO-FEMS Workshop on Microbial Sulfur Metabolism
22.02.2009 Israel Bacterial Pathogenomics













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date country event
06.10.2008 Italy 14th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium (IBBS-14)
23.09.2008 Croatia Adenoviruses – Basic Biology to Gene Therapy
20.09.2008 Germany 3rd Mini Herpesvirus Workshop
17.09.2008 Italy 5th Recombinant Protein Production Meeting (rpp2008)
12.09.2008 United Kingdom 9th FEMS Supervisory Council Meeting (SC08-09) CANCELLED
11.09.2008 United Kingdom 14th Central Office Management Committee (COMC08-14)
07.09.2008 Netherlands 16th International Pathogenic Neisseria Conference 2008
06.09.2008 Iceland International Conference on Fish Health
31.08.2008 Netherlands 9th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria – Health, Evolution and Systems Biology
30.08.2008 Belgium 8th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference
30.08.2008 Norway 3rd Microbial Genome Maintenance Meeting (GMM3)
27.08.2008 France Glutathione and Related Thiols in Micro-organisms
11.08.2008 Ukraine 12th International Congress on Yeasts
10.08.2008 Turkey IUMS Congress: 14th International Congress of Virology
05.08.2008 Turkey IUMS Congress: 12th International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology & 12th International Congress of Mycology
22.06.2008 Greece XVII Lancefield International Symposium on Streptococci and Streptococcal Disease
18.06.2008 France Gut Microbiome. Functionality Interaction with the host and impact on environment (INRA Theix 2008)
15.06.2008 Denmark 1st International Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance in Zoonotic bacteria and Food Borne Pathogens
14.05.2008 Poland 8th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers (IMMEM-8)
08.04.2008 France Genomes 2008 – Functional Genomics of Micro-organisms
05.04.2008 United Kingdom 9th European Conference on Fungal Genetics (ECFG9)
01.03.2008 Austria ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Proteins: From Multidrug Resistance to Genetic Disease (ABC2008)
17.01.2008 Netherlands 15th FEMS Central Office Management Committee Meeting (COMC09-15)




















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date country event
09.10.2007 Germany Escherichia coli – Facets of a Versatile Pathogen
07.10.2007 Switzerland 3rd FEMS-ESCMID Conference on New Frontiers in Microbiology and Infection – Streptococcus pneumoniae
03.10.2007 Germany International Symposium on “Life inside cells”
19.09.2007 Croatia Power of Microbes in Industry and Environment 2007
02.09.2007 United Kingdom Halophiles 2007
02.09.2007 Netherlands International Workshop on Campylobacter, Helicobacter and Related Organisms (CHRO 2007)
01.09.2007 Germany 3rd European Congress of Virology
26.08.2007 Czech Republic 4th International Symposium on Biosorption and Bioremediation
26.08.2007 Latvia Biodeterioration of Wood and Wood Products
15.07.2007 Italy Enzymes in the Environment: Activity, Ecology & Applications – 3rd International Conference
21.06.2007 Slovenia 5th International Symposium on Anaerobic Microbiology (ISAM 5 )
13.06.2007 Finland Physiology of Yeasts and Filamentous Fungi (PYFF3)
03.06.2007 Italy ISSY26: From Alcoholic Beverages to Bioethanol for Transportation: A New Challenge for Fermenting Yeast
11.05.2007 France HFP2007: Molecular Mechanisms of Host-Pathogen Interactions and Virulence in Human Fungal Pathogens
19.04.2007 Italy International Conference on Chlamydia and Mycoplasma Human Infections
10.03.2007 France 1st International Meeting on Cell Wall Polysaccharides of Fungi and Plants















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date country event
08.11.2006 Czech Republic Translational Control and Non-Coding RNA Meeting
14.10.2006 Spain ESF-EMBO Symposium on Bacterial Networks
08.10.2006 Switzerland 2nd FEMS-ESCMID Conference on New Frontiers in Microbiology and Infection – Mycobacterial Infections
21.09.2006 Spain 4th Recombinant Protein Production Meeting
05.09.2006 Greece Molecular Basis of Bacterial Virulence and Survival within Infected Hosts and in the Environment (EMBO/FEBS/FEMS Lecture Course)
01.09.2006 United Kingdom Hospital Acquired Infections
20.08.2006 Austria 11th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME 11): The Hidden Powers – Microbial Communities in Action
04.07.2006 Spain 2nd FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists
29.06.2006 Germany International Symposium on Microbial Sulphur Metabolism (ISMSM)
24.06.2006 Czech Republic 10th Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms (GIM)
21.06.2006 United Kingdom 5th Joint RRI-INRA Symposium on Gut Microbiology – Research to Improve Health, Immune Response and Nutrition
18.06.2006 Finland Systems biology of yeast – from models to applications (ISSY25)
18.06.2006 Slovakia Central European Symposium on Antimicrobial Resistance CESAR 2006
06.05.2006 Greece Protein Traffic in Prokaryotes
27.03.2006 Austria International Conference on Alpine and Polar Microbiology
19.03.2006 Portugal Meeting on Microbial Respiratory Chains


















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date country event
12.09.2005 Italy Summer School on: “Biomonitoring, bioavailability and microbial transformation of pollutants in sediments and approaches to stimulate their biodegradation”
04.09.2005 Spain 13th International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Symposium (IBBS-13)
04.09.2005 Switzerland 1st FEMS-ESCMID Conference on New Frontiers in Microbiology and Infection – Lessons from Escherichia coli: from basic research to clinical aspects
28.08.2005 Netherlands 8th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria
28.08.2005 Denmark 2nd International ASM-FEMS Conference on Enterococci
27.08.2005 France Pseudomonas 2005
21.08.2005 Finland 9th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology (SAME-9)
07.08.2005 Slovakia 22nd International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology
10.07.2005 United Kingdom 4th International Gordon Conference on Molybdenum and Tungsten Enzymes
05.07.2005 France 3rd International Conference on the Biology of Nocardia (Nocardiae’2005)
27.06.2005 United Kingdom SGM-FEMS Course on Secondary Education in Microbiology
26.06.2005 France 8th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology
04.06.2005 Turkey Vector-borne emerging and re-emerging pathogens and their infections
26.05.2005 Austria Analysis of Microbial Cell at the Single Cell Level
23.05.2005 Netherlands European Study Group on Molecular Biology of Picornaviruses (EUROPIC 2005)
07.04.2005 Germany Microbial Infection: Analysis, Prevention and Use
23.01.2005 Israel Molecular Basis of Bacterial Pathogenesis


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date country event
11.11.2004 Portugal Recombinant Protein Production: A Comparative View on Host Physiology
15.09.2004 Ireland Acinetobacter 2004
04.09.2004 Slovenia Halophiles 2004 International Conference on Halophilic Micro-organisms
04.09.2004 Germany 8th Avian Immunology Research Group Meeting
21.06.2004 France 4th INRA-RRI Symposium on Gut Microbiology: Concerns and Responses to Food Safety, Health, and Environmental Issues
25.04.2004 Belgium European Symposium on Environmental Microbiology (ESEB 2004)
14.04.2004 United Kingdom Genomes 2004: International Conference on the Analysis of Microbial and Other Genomes
24.03.2004 France Physiology of Yeast and Filamentous Fungi
24.03.2004 Spain Development of Biocontrol Agents of Fungal Diseases for Commercial Applications in Food Production Systems
22.03.2004 Finland International Conference on Arctic Microbiology











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date country event
15.09.2003 United Kingdom Management and Control of Undesirable Micro-organisms
06.09.2003 Denmark 12th International Workshop on Campylobacter, Helicobacter, and Related Organisms (CHRO-2003)
06.09.2003 Norway Transformation and DNA Repair
27.08.2003 Switzerland 6th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers (IMMEM-6)
26.08.2003 Hungary 23rd International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts: Interactions between Yeasts and Other Organisms (ISSY-23)
21.07.2003 United Kingdom 3rd European Phycological Congress (EPC-3)
18.07.2003 Russia 11th International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction
14.07.2003 Czech Republic Enzymes in the Environment: Activity, Ecology, and Applications
07.07.2003 Sweden 21st International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology (ICYGMB-21)
04.07.2003 Croatia Central European Symposium on Antimicrobial Resistance (CESAR-2003)
30.06.2003 Slovenia Bacillus 2003: Applications and Systematics of Bacillus and Relatives
29.06.2003 Slovenia 1st FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists
28.06.2003 Czech Republic 11th European Workshop on Bacterial Protein Toxins (ETOX-11)
11.05.2003 Germany Cold Adaptations of Aquatic Micro-organisms
04.03.2003 Netherlands International Conference on the Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Ciliates and Anaerobic Protozoa
16.02.2003 Austria Assessing the Variability in Aquatic Microbial Populations: Facts and Fiction















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date country event
25.10.2002 Italy 8th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology
10.10.2002 Turkey The Versatility of Listeria Species
06.10.2002 Cyprus 3rd International Workshop on Molecular Pathogenesis of Marek’s Disease and Avian Immunology
08.09.2002 Spain 7th International Symposium on Aeromonas and Plesiomonas
06.09.2002 United Kingdom 5th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference
04.09.2002 Belgium 8th European Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology
04.09.2002 Finland 8th International Symposium on Yersinia
01.09.2002 Netherlands 7th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria
27.07.2002 France IUMS Congress: The World of Microbes (10th International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology, 10th International Congress of Mycology, 12th International Congress of Virology)
14.07.2002 Czech Republic 12th International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Symposium
04.07.2002 Denmark 5th International Workshop on Pathogenesis and Host Response in Helicobacter Infections
02.06.2002 Denmark Analysis of Microbial Cells at the Single-Cell Level
28.05.2002 Macedonia Laboratory Diagnosis of Emerging Infections
24.04.2002 Italy European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
25.03.2002 South Africa 22nd International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts (ISSY-22): Yeast Fermentations and other Yeast Bioprocesses
07.02.2002 Belgium Re-evaluation of the Species Definition in Bacteriology


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date country event
23.09.2001 Spain Halophiles 2001: International Conference on Halophilic Micro-organisms
17.09.2001 Belgium Pseudomonas 2001
02.09.2001 Indonesia 2nd International Eijkman Symposium: Tropical Diseases – From Molecules to Bedside
26.08.2001 Czech Republic 20th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology
26.08.2001 Netherlands 9th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology: Interactions in the Microbial World
21.08.2001 Ukraine 21st International Specialised Symposium on Yeasts: Biochemistry, Genetics, Biotechnology and Ecology of Non-Conventional Yeasts (NCY)
08.07.2001 Switzerland 3rd International Symposium on Propionibacteria
05.07.2001 Denmark Physiology of Yeast and Filamentous Fungi
30.06.2001 Finland 17th Biennial Conference on Phage/Virus Assembly
16.06.2001 Greece 7th Congress of the European Confederation of Medical Mycology
28.05.2001 France 6th International Positive-Strand RNA Virus Symposium
12.05.2001 Germany International Conference on Type III Protein Secretion in Bacterial Pathogenesis
22.04.2001 United Kingdom Bioactive Fungal Metabolites: Impact and Exploitation
07.04.2001 Netherlands Physiology and Regulation of Electron Transfer in Microbial Catabolism
01.04.2001 Turkey 11th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases


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date country event
18.10.2000 Austria Microbiology of Composting
17.09.2000 Netherlands 7th European Marine Microbiology Symposium (7th EMMS)
17.09.2000 United Kingdom European Virology 2000
16.09.2000 Spain 4th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference
06.09.2000 Netherlands 5th International Meeting on Bacterial Epidemiological Markers (IMBEM-V)
30.08.2000 Belgium Bacillus 2000: Applications and Systematics of Bacillus and Relatives
27.08.2000 Netherlands 10th International Symposium on Yeasts: “The Rising Power of Yeasts in Science and Industry”
10.07.2000 United Kingdom Anaerobe 2000: Confederation of Anaerobe Societies Millennium Meeting
10.06.2000 Turkey Laboratory Monitoring of Viral Infections and Antiviral Resistance Detection
25.05.2000 Italy 11th Meeting of the European Study Group on the Molecular Biology of Picornaviruses (EUROPIC 2000)
10.05.2000 Estonia Microbiological Safety of Food
25.03.2000 France European Congress of Fungal Genetics 5
12.03.2000 Germany Microbiology 2000













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date country event
03.11.1999 United Kingdom Dental Plaque Revisited: Oral Biofilms in Health and Disease
19.09.1999 Netherlands 6th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria
16.09.1999  Hungary Genes and Proteins Underlying Microbial Urinary Tract Virulence: Basic Aspects and Applications
01.09.1999  Hungary Progress in Clinical Virology V
09.08.1999  Australia IUMS Congress: 11th International Congress of Virology, 9th International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology, 9th International Congress of Mycology
12.07.1999  Spain Enzymes in the Environment: Activity, Ecology and Applications
20.06.1999  Germany 8th International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Emerging Tick-Borne Diseases
20.06.1999  Italy 6th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology
16.06.1999  Italy Microbes and Art: the Role of Microbial Communities on the Degradation and Protection of Cultural Heritage
23.05.1999  Slovakia 20th International Specialized Symposium on Yeasts: Yeast Cell Surfaces and Membrane Phenomena
25.03.1999  Italy Analysis of Microbial Cells at the Single-Cell Level


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date country event
13.12.1998  Netherlands Eijkman Centennial on Infections in the 21st Century
30.11.1998  Netherlands Yeast as a Cell Factory
20.09.1998  Netherlands 3rd European Nitrogen Fixation Conference
16.09.1998  Greece Little Known Organisms of Clinical Importance
07.09.1998  United Kingdom 3rd International Conference on Anthrax
05.09.1998  Germany 10th Meeting of the European Study Group on the Molecular Biology of Picornaviruses (EUROPIC ’98)
23.08.1998  Israel 6th International Mycological Congress
09.08.1998  Canada 8th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology
08.08.1998  Slovakia 2nd International Conference on Molecular Pathogenesis of Marek’s Disease
28.06.1998  Israel 8th International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Micro-organisms (GIM 98)
25.06.1998  Ireland 2nd International Symposium on Propionibacteria
10.06.1998  Turkey Diagnosis of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
17.05.1998  Spain Marine Microbiology: Perspectives for the Sustainable Use of Oceans in the 21st Century
26.04.1998  France Genetics of Streptococci, Enterococci and Lactococci
01.02.1998  Germany Fingerprinting of Microbial Communities














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21.09.1997 Netherlands 2nd EMBO-FEMS Meeting on Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
06.09.1997 Austria 9th International Symposium on Phototrophic Prokaryotes
20.07.1997 France 11th International Conference on Nitrogen Fixation
12.07.1997 France Hydrogenases 97
08.07.1997 United Kingdom Bacterial Spore Conference
25.06.1997 Spain 8th International Conference on Harmful Algae
22.06.1997 France 2nd International Meeting on the Molecular Genetics and Pathogenesis of the Clostridia
12.05.1997 Turkey Workshop on Human Chlamydial Infections
10.05.1997 Spain 7th International Symposium on Coronaviruses and Arteriviruses
13.04.1997 United Kingdom Biofilms in Aquatic Systems
04.04.1997 United Kingdom BMS-FEMS European Fungal Physiology & Biochemistry Symposium
23.03.1997 Ireland Second European Meeting on Pathogenesis and Host Response in Helicobacter pylori Infections
20.03.1997 United Kingdom Evolution of the Rumen Microbial Ecosystem













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Date Country event
08.09.1996 Netherlands 5th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria: Genetics, Metabolism, and Applications




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Date country event
20.07.1995 Turkey International Symposium on “Recent Advances in the Diagnosis of Viral Diseases




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date country event
20.04.1988 Germany Pertussis


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