Graphical Abstract & One-sentence Summary

FEMS uses Graphical Abstracts to promote articles via email content, social media, newsletters and online search results. Below are examples you can use for preparing your own graphical abstract or one-sentence summary when you are submitting your article.

Graphical Abstract
Image which is not necessarily linked to the original manuscript, but either summarizes the text, fits to the text and is very appealing or is one of the key images/ figures/ graphs of the article.

Please ensure you:

  • avoid saturated and distracting colours
  • image resolution should be a minimum of 300dpi and the aspect ratio should be 4:3 to make sure that your image is optimized in our ‘click and expand’ feature
One-sentence Summary
Short non-technical summary stating the novelty of the article. The language used should be understood by a non-specialist.

Please ensure you:

  • use the third person, not first person (i.e. do not use ‘I’ or ‘we’)
  • keep it simple
  • short legible text
Examples of Graphical Abstracts and One-sentence Summaries
GA-Cyano_4ceb3a6b90Cyanobacterial diversity in the hot spring, pelagic, and benthic habitats of a tropical soda lake | DOI: 10.1111/1574-6941.12128
Cow_4a20608468The ability of sheep ruminal microbes to degrade the explosive HMX, both as a consortia from whole rumen fluid and individually as 23 strains, was compared and metabolites delineated by LC-MS/MS. | DOI: 10.1111/1574-6968.12316
Figure_1-FEMSYR-13-0_56a6926d04The authors review accumulating evidence pointing to hydrogen peroxide as a major inducer of hormesis effects that protect against oxidative stress and impact aging in a variety of eukaryotic organisms. | DOI: 10.1111/1567-1364.12070
Grajocal_Abstract_EA_b80e1962fcNewly identified binary toxin from Photorhabdus can depolymerize microtubules of insect midgut CF-203 cells and induce the increase of plasma membrane permeability. | DOI: 10.1111/1574-6968.12321
Graphical_abstract_F_a676de4b12Cloning, expression and characterization of GH20 domain containing hexosaminidase from Stenotrophomonas | DOI:10.1111/1574-6968.12237
Chlamydia_d342e1d5a7The Chlamydia trachomatis plasmid and CT135 play distinct roles in the pathogenesis of infection and a strain possessing both genetic deficiencies is highly attenuated. | DOI: 10.1111/2049-632X.12121
FEMSYR-13-05-0057R1-_f29d007d68The paper of Lachance et al. describes the results of a study of the genetic structure and biogeography of a recently discovered 95 isolates of the yeast species Kurtzmaniella cleridarum recovered from nitidulid beetles collected in flowers of cacti of the Sonoran Desert of southern Arizona and the Mojave Desert of California. | DOI: 10.1111/1567-1364.12066



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