Europe’s microbiology network

This virtual special issue (VSI) showcases a selection of the best research recently published in some of the journals produced by Societies in the FEMS microbiology network.”

Articles per society

UK-BMSLogoWeb_990609British Mycological Society

The British Mycological Society is open to all who are interested in promoting and learning about the exciting world of fungi. It has member sections devoted to particular aspects of the fungal world, including cutting- edge research into many aspects of fungal science, the conservation and recording of fungal fruitbodies and the provision of educational resources for all ages and experience.

Characterization of oleaginous yeasts accumulating high levels of lipid when cultivated in glycerol and their potential for lipid production from biodiesel-derived crude glycerol | Fungal Biology
Habitat models of wood-inhabiting fungi along a decay gradient of Norway spruce logs | Fungal Ecology

UK-BPSLogoLargeBritish Phycological Society

The British Phycological Society is devoted to the study of algae. Founded in 1952, it was one of the first phycological societies to be established in the world, and is today the largest in Europe.

DNA-based species delimitation in algae | European Journal of Phycology

HR-HMDLogoWeb_031118Croatian Microbiological Society

The Croatian Microbiological Society (CMS) was founded in 1958 to gather experts in microbiology and related fields. It exists to promote the advancement of research and teaching in all branches of microbiology and immunology as well as to encourage the exchange of information.

Quality and Composition of Red Wine Fermented with Schizosaccharomyces pombe as Sole Fermentative Yeast, and in Mixed and Sequential Fermentations with Saccharomyces cerevisiae | Food Technology and Biotechnology

CZ_CSSM_LogoCzechoslovak Society for Microbiology

The Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology is one of the oldest organizations of its kind, established in 1928. Its mission is to enable microbiologists to exchange information and experiences.

Biofilm formation by Staphylococcus hominis strains isolated from human clinical specimens | Folia Microbiologica

DE-DGHMLogoWeb_990111German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology

The German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology is one of the oldest specialized societies in the areas of recognition, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases.

Multicenter quality assessment of 16S ribosomal DNA-sequencing for microbiome analyses reveals high inter-center variability | International Journal of Medical Microbiology

SfAMLOGOSociety for Applied Microbiology

SfAM is the oldest microbiology society in the UK, serving microbiologists around the world. As the voice of applied microbiology, SfAM works to advance, for the benefit of the public, the science of microbiology in its application to the environment, human and animal health, agriculture, and industry.

Antimicrobial activity of Metschnikowia pulcherrima on wine yeasts | Journal of Applied Microbiology
Occurrence and distribution of Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus – potential roles for fish, oyster, sediment and water | Letters in Applied Microbiology
Rare earth metals are essential for methanotrophic life in volcanic mudpots | Environmental Microbiology
Spore formation in Bacillus subtilis | Environmental Microbiology Reports
Activation and identification of five clusters for secondary metabolites in Streptomyces albus J1074 | Microbial Biotechnology

Spanish Society for Microbiology

The Spanish Society for Microbiology was founded in 1946 and promotes basic and applied microbiology to encourage international relations and to bring together the many professionals who work in all its various fields. It is an interdisciplinary society with some 1,700 members.

Symbiogenesis: the holobiont as a unit of evolution | International Microbiology

Federation of European Microbiological Societies

FEMS – as the Federation of European Microbiological Societies – promotes excellence and diversity in science to help solve societal problems around microbiology. It does this by funding research, publishing journals, and by building a growing, collaborative Network.

Replacement of the initial steps of ethanol metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by ATP-independent acetylating acetaldehyde dehydrogenase | FEMS Yeast Research

Exploiting the fungal highway: development of a novel tool for the in situ isolation of bacteria migrating along fungal mycelium | FEMS Microbiology Ecology
Influenza A virus transmission via respiratory aerosols or droplets as it relates to pandemic potential | FEMS Microbiology Reviews
Bacteriophage exploitation of bacterial biofilms: phage preference for less mature targets? | FEMS Microbiology Letters
Increased bactericidal activity of colistin on Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms in anaerobic conditions | Pathogens and Disease

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FEMS Journals and Open Access

Embracing an Open Future

All but one of the FEMS journals are fully open access (OA), with one journal, FEMS Microbiology Letters, offering free-to-publish and OA options. Open access is key to supporting the FEMS mission of disseminating high quality research as widely as possible: when high quality, peer reviewed sound science is open access, anyone, anywhere in the world with an internet connection, can read it.

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