This year, in order to support the Portuguese Society for Microbiology (SPM) in promoting the International Microorganism Day on September 17, we ran a Microbe Art Competition. People entered from across the world on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram with artistic entries of a staggering diversity by using the hashtag: #MicrobeArt2019
We applaud the effort people put into the contest and thank two of our Journal Social Media Editors for their involvement. Dr Lidiya Angelova for initial ideas and rule drafting, and Maja Rischer for offering a custom made microbe bag as the Grand Prize (left).
The final Grand Prize Winner received the custom-made microbe bag, while we also announced winners for seven subcategories.
International Microorganism Day aims to raise awareness about the importance of microorganisms and microbiology research among the general public, and our contest supplemented these efforts.
We were taken aback by the sheer quantity and quality of entries to #MicrobeArt2019 and extend out thanks to everyone who entered the competition.
The winners are:
Grand Prize Winner: Jane Hartman
Best Illustration or Painting: Johannes Wöstemeyer
Best Physical Piece: Jane Hartman
Best Written Piece: Marija Ivanov