Fighting AMR

32 results

Microbes are evolving Anti-Microbial drug Resistance (AMR). This is true with all microbes, not just bacteria. Other single celled organisms, fungi, parasites, and microscopic animals are all developing into resistant versions.

Resistance evolves because our constant worldwide use of antimicrobials creates a selection pressure on successive generations of microbes. The more resistant varieties in the population survive, and then reproduce to create a resistant population.

If antimicrobial medications don’t work, what will protect us from harmful infections? Routine treatments will become impossible. Temporary illnesses will become chronic. What was once a minor inconvenience, and a trip to the doctor, could become a severe lifelong condition or even a life threatening condition. This is the AMR crisis.

Like all problems, there are solutions: We can slow down the process of resistance by not abusing antibiotics and using them carefully. We can research how antimicrobial resistance works and try to find new antimicrobial strategies. We can develop our vaccines, or find ways to make existing drugs effective again.

Finding these solutions is a complex and costly process that needs to be tackled globally. If you are active in fighting AMR, or simply wanting to know more, you will find opportunities on this page to help you untangle the complexity, join or start collaborations and find funding.

Useful resources
FEMS Webinar Library

Welcome to the FEMS webinars, online events to help you take part in scientific discussion, wherever you are.[...]

Useful resources
Best practices reports by the EU-JAMARAI

The EU-Joint Action Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections  (EU-JAMRAI) aims to foster[...]

FEMS podcast - Microbes and Us

Microbes and Us is brought to you by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Launched in May 2021 this[...]

Useful resources
Layman Report by the EU-JAMRAI

The EU-Joint Action Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections  (EU-JAMRAI) aims to foster[...]

Useful resources
AMR Policy Briefs by the EU-JAMRAI

The EU-Joint Action Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections  (EU-JAMRAI) aims to foster[...]

Useful resources
The AMR Studio: Podcast by the Uppsala Antibiotic Center

The AMR Studio is a podcast dedicated to highlighting the multidisciplinary research on antimicrobial resistance[...]

Useful resources
Antimicrobial Viewpoints: GARDP

Antimicrobial Viewpoints are originally published on the REVIVE website, an activity of the Global[...]

Useful resources
Antimicrobial Encyclopaedia by GARDP

The Global Antibiotic Research and Development Partnership (GARDP) at the end of October 2020 launched the[...]

Useful resources
EU-JAMRAI: Launch Micro-Combat App

The European Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections (EU-JAMRAI) in[...]

Useful resources
First Global Antibiotic Resistance Symbol

EU-JAMRAI has announced the winner of the Antibiotic Resistance Symbol earlier this month! The winning symbol[...]

Useful resources
AMR Voices: Stories From AMR Frontlines During Covid-19

The Longitude Prize announced the launch of AMR Voices – stories from the frontlines of antibiotic resistance[...]

Fighting AMR
Review on Antimicrobial Resistance

“The Review on Antimicrobial Resistance, was commissioned in July 2014 by the UK Prime Minister, who asked[...]

Fighting AMR
Resource directory for the prevention and control of AMR and healthcare-associated infections

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) presents a directory of resources aiming at preventing[...]

Useful resources
Antibiotics and You

An introduction to antibiotic resistant infections This new short course aims to increase your general understanding[...]

Useful resources
Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in Europe 2018

The results presented in this report are based on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) data from invasive isolates[...]

Useful resources
Surveillance of antimicrobial consumption in the EU/EEA

This report by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control details antimicrobial consumption in the[...]

Useful resources
Survey of healthcare workers’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviours on antibiotics, antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance in the EU/EEA

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control have published the results of their survey of healthcare[...]

Fighting AMR
Antimicrobial Resistance Resources - The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), United Nations

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international[...]

Useful resources
Publications and Results by the EU-JAMRAI

The EU-Joint Action Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections  (EU-JAMRAI) aims to foster[...]

Useful resources
Wellcome Trust Reports - Drug-resistant infections: transforming the global response

The Wellcome Trust has produce a series of policy reports and consultations aimed at combating AMR: Reports and[...]

Useful resources
Antimicrobial Therapy - Collection of Expert Reviews

The Antimicrobial Therapy Thematic Issue of FEMS Microbiology Reviews includes reviews dealing with specific[...]

Useful resources
Averting the AMR crisis - Policy Brief

From the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies  a partnership, hosted by WHO/Europe, which includes[...]

Fighting AMR
Book: Superbugs: An Arms Race Against Bacteria

Antibiotics are powerful drugs that can prevent and treat infections, but they are becoming less effective as a[...]

Fighting AMR
Antibiotic Prescription in Ireland.

The Health Service Executive (HSE) in Ireland have produced this practical guide in order to aid antibiotic[...]

Fighting AMR
Antibiotic Awareness Resources - forearmed is forewarned!

Public Health England are driving the need for antibiotic awareness and self responsibility in terms of our[...]

Fighting AMR
Microbes and Antibiotics - what are they all about anyway?

A fun way to teach both adults and students about microbes and the respective antibiotics used to treat the[...]

Fighting AMR
Antibiotic Awareness - A Welsh perspective.

The onus on us to be mindful of antibiotics and their resistance has never been more important. Only when we know[...]

Fighting AMR
European Antibiotic Awareness Day: Campaigns across Europe

It is important to be aware of the risks associated with taking antibiotics and more importantly what the[...]

Fighting AMR
European Commission AMR Fact sheet

Antimicrobial resistance is recognized as being one of the greatest threats to human health. It is estimated that by[...]

Useful resources
Partnering with AMR Centre

We are looking for AMR projects that help address the WHO priority list, namely: Clinical treatments for[...]

Useful resources
The Microbes Fight Back: Antibiotic Resistance

What will a future of continued antibiotic resistance look like? How can human activities prevent the rise of[...]

Fighting AMR
WHO - world report on surveillance

WHO world report that gives as accurate a picture as is presently possible of the magnitude of AMR and the current[...]