FEMS is overseen by a Board of Directors, that collectively provide strategic direction and individually contribute their skills, experience and contacts. The Board of Directors is responsible for checking that we are working efficiently, delivering objectives and complying with our policies and relevant laws and legislation. Directors also act as Trustees, ensuring the long-term security of FEMS by ensuring the organization is prepared to meet future challenges.
Director roles available
We are inviting applications to three positions on our Board:
Director (Events and Internationalization) – responsible for establishing the strategic aims of our expanding events portfolio and investigating initiatives to increase connections between European microbiology and organizations and individuals across the globe. (full job description)
Director (Education & Public Engagement) – education and public outreach have been identified as strategic objectives and this role will work to promote these across our existing activities and propose new ways to support and encourage them. (full job description)
Director (Research & Publications) – FEMS was founded to support scientific research and to help make this knowledge accessible and these principles are still central to all our activities. This role is central to ensuring our aims and activities continue to support researchers and adapt to changes in scholarly research and publication. (full job description)
Term of office
These roles are for three years, from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023.
How to apply
If you would like an informal conversation about the role before making an application please contact the Election Committee, who can assist with the application process via electioncommittee@fems-microbiology.org.
To be officially nominated you will need to submit a letter of support from two Member Societies, along with your CV and a brief covering letter highlighting why you are applying for the role and how you feel your skills and experience can contribute to FEMS, by 30 April 2020 to the Election Committee by email at electioncommittee@fems-microbiology.org.
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to present their application to the Council on 5 September 2020 in Split, Croatia. Directors are elected by the Council, which consists of one Delegate from each Member Society and the current Board of Directors.