
Italian Society of Microbiology / Società Italiana di Microbiologia


Prof. Paola Salvatore

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Italian Society of Microbiology (IT-SIM)

The Italian Society of Microbiology (SIM) has a long history: founded in 1929, its first Statute is dated April 2, 1962. A free, non-profit association, it brings together all the scholars of Microbiological Sciences and has as its primary objective that of supporting all potential areas of growth of the discipline in the scientific, academic, medical-health fields.

Particular attention is paid to the development of research and scientific dissemination in the field of Medical Microbiology , understood as a meeting point where the different thematic areas of microbiological sciences (Clinical Microbiology, General Microbiology, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, Food, Environmental, Agricultural, Veterinary) converge in the common objective of promoting human health.

SIM contributes to the development of Medical Microbiology as an area of ​​convergence of all Microbiological sciences through the promotion and constant updating of its members from a scientific, professional, clinical, technical and managerial point of view.

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