Professor in Molecular Microbiology at Imperial College London
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Listeria monocytogenes
- Cell wall biosynthesis
- Lipoteichoic acid synthesis
- Nucleotide signalling
Imperial College London, Section of Microbiology & MRC Centre for Molecular Bacteriology and Infection, London SW7 2AZ, UK
FEMS Expert: Prof Angelika Gründling
FEMS Journal publications |EAM
Angelika Gründling obtained her PhD in Microbiology from the University of Vienna in 2000. However, she performed her actual PhD research in Prof. Ry Young’s laboratory at Texas A&M, USA. Subsequently, she performed her postdoctoral training in Prof. Darren Higgin’s laboratory at the Harvard Medical School, USA.
There she investigated flagellar-based motility in the bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. During that time, she was funded by the 2-Year Erwin Schrödinger postdoctoral fellowship from the Austrian Science Foundation FWF. Subsequently, Angelika performed a second postdoctoral training at the University of Chicago under the mentorship of Prof. Olaf Schneewind. There she initiated her studies on the cell wall of Staphylococcus aureus.
Angelika started her independent research career at Imperial College London, UK in 2007 where she is since 2015 a Professor in Molecular Microbiology. Her research focuses on the investigation of fundamental processes that are essential for the growth of Gram-positive bacterial pathogens. More specifically, her group investigates cell wall synthesis and nucleotide signalling pathways in Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes. Her research on the bacterial cell wall was funded from 2011-2015 by an ERC starter grant and her research on nucleotide signalling processes has been funded since 2013 by a Wellcome Trust New Investigator Award.