COVID-19 Update:
The SIM Board of Directors has decided, in order to protect the health of our members, not to carry out in the presence of the 48th National Congress of the Italian Society of Microbiology, scheduled in Milan on September 21-24.
However, the SIM considers it important, given the many skills that reside in it, to be an active part of the scientific update on two issues of particular importance, already identified as the themes of the 48th SIM: “Emerging Pathologies” and “Drug-Resistance”.
We are therefore pleased to announce the organization of the 48th Virtual SIM 2020 which will take place in two events:
- 21-22 September 2020 “Lessons from the sarS-CoV-2 emergency
- 18 November 2020 “Antimicrobial Resistance: The Sustainable Challenge”, coinciding with the European Day of Antimicrobial Resistance.
In the two days of September will be addressed several central topics in the understanding of sarS-CoV-2 infection and disease,including: origin and evolution of the virus, pathogenesis of infection, diagnostics, serodiagnosis and vaccines – with different insights and analysis of the Italianexperience. The day of November, on the other hand, will develop the theme of antimicrobial resistance with a focus on the aspects of R&D and applications.
Details of how to participate and the scientific program will be communicated on the SIM website and on social media as they become available.
On behalf of all of us, confident in your participation and support for this exciting new initiative, see you online.