
69th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Microbiologists (CSM 2019)

The conference will cover all three sections of the Canadian Society of Microbiologists: Applied & Environmental MicrobiologyInfection and Immunity as well as Molecular Genetics and Cellular Microbiology. Our scientific program will highlight multiple aspects of the relationship between microorganisms and health through the One Health concept, which will be articulated in five related symposiaantibiotics and resistance in animal production and public healthalternatives to antibioticsthe impact of climate change on vector-borne diseases and emerging pathogens, and the microbiome and microbial interactions in molecular pathogenesis. Recent developments in Applied and Environmental Microbiology will be covered in sessions about industrial microbes and biotechnologyplants and microbesenvironmental microbiomesmicrobial chemosphere and food microbiology. Finally, two sessions will be dedicated to systems and synthetic biology, hot topics that have gained considerable momentum in modern microbiology in the past few years.

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