Associate Senior Lecturer in Microbial Metabolism: Sweden
A position as associate senior lecturer in microbial metabolism with focus on model organisms is available at the Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology, Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Uppsala, Sweden.
The subject of the employment is microbial metabolism and its regulation, and how the metabolism affects genetically determined properties. The focus on model organisms means experimental studies of gene function in model organisms.
The associate senior lecturer shall do research within the subject and develop his or her own research line. The focus shall be on experimental studies of gene function in model organisms using molecular genetics in order to elucidate how the genes control the properties of individuals and the species.
In addition, the associate senior lecturer shall:
- apply for external research funding and publish scientific papers
- initiate the development of his or her own research group
- serve as co-supervisor of PhD students
- teach at basic and advanced levels
- receive pedagogical training
A PhD or equivalent academic qualifications. Priority should be given to candidates who have received a PhD or equivalent qualifications no longer than five years before the application deadline. The candidate must be scientifically competent within the subject of the employment. Good ability to use written and spoken English is required.
Assessment criteria:
Emphasis is primarily put on the applicant’s scientific skills, particularly experience of experimental work with molecular genetics in model organisms. Furthermore, the assessment includes evaluating the applicant’s ability to develop an independent line of research within microbial metabolism with focus on model organisms, and to qualify for promotion to senior lecturer during the employment period. Good abilities to communicate and collaborate and ability to work broadly in other research areas of the department is an advantage, as is teaching experience.
Form of employment:
The employment is limited to four years. It is a qualifying employment that constitutes the first step in an academic career at SLU. An associate senior lecturer has the right during his or her employment to apply for promotion to senior lecturer on the basis of criteria established when the position as associate senior lecturer was announced.
Extent: 100%. Starting date: by agreement.
Please submit your application electronically no later than September 12, 2018 at:
You will find further information and instructions at the application site.
Contact person:
Hans Ronne, Professor, +46(0)18-673223,
Home page:
Further information about the formal application process:
Ingrid Hemström, Administrative Officer, +46(0)18-671047,