Early Stage Researcher position: H2020 European Training Network List_MAPS
Job description
We are looking for an Early Stage Researcher position within a Horizon 2020 EU-funded Marie Sklodowska Curie European Training Network. It will be located at the research unit UMR Agroecology, INRA/Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France. The project involves multiple international academic and private participants, and seeks to develop a better understanding of the ecology of Listeria monocytogenes through a systems biology approach. In accordance with the rules of this programme, candidates must not have worked or studied more than 12 months in France within the last 3 years. Interested candidates must be in the first 4 years of their researcher career with significant experience in microbiology, microbial ecology and/or transcriptomics.
Research project
Investigation of the adaptive strategies of L. monocytogenes in soil/plants mesocosms
Research objectives
This project will focus on the response of L. monocytogenes to the complex microbial communities during survival in the soil and plant rhizosphere. This will include RNA-Seq and mutagenesis approaches in order to explore the mechanisms triggered by the edaphic conditions and to characterise phenotypes under these environmental conditions.
Job details
- Closing date for application: 31 July 2017
- Start date: 1 September 2017
- Localisation: UMR Agroecology, INRA/UB, Dijon, France
- Contract Type: Fixed Term Whole‐Time
- Duration: 15 months
- Job Type: Research
- Number of positions: 1
- Salary: Gross salary of 2425€ /month + Net mobility allowance of 600€ / month
Please send a cover letter, CV, two reference letters and a transcript of results of the last 3 years of University studies (including modules and courses) by email to the supervisor:
Dr Pascal Piveteau,