
Postdoc Position (Arbovirus Research): Germany

The Research Group Innate Immunity and Viral Evasion (headed by Prof. Dr. Christine Goffinet, formerly TWINCORE, Hannover) at the Institute of Virology of Charité is hiring a highly motivated, scientifically excellent, team-minded and experienced postdoc (w/m/d). Our research focuses on cell-intrinsic immunity against viral human-pathogenic infections, with a focus on arboviruses and HIV. Basic research on mechanisms of cellular antiviral restriction factors and sensing, and intercellular communication are progressively translated towards the development of therapeutic and preventive intervention strategies.


Tasks comprise research on and development of immunoprotective strategies against Chikungunyavirus (CHIKV) infection. The goals of the project are the establishment of genetic and immunological correlates to the individual course of human CHIKV infection and validation of CMV-based vaccine strategies. Experiments are performed in established primary cell models and in vivo in small animal models of CHIKV infection. The project is embedded within an international Helmholtz-European Partnering Consortium and benefits from a cooperative DFG-German/African-project that aims at unravelling naturally occuring immunity to CHIKV infection.
Our team is equipped with a brand-new laboratory and a large portfolio of state-of-the-art methodology, including automated FACS, nucleofection, BSL3 confocal live cell imaging, disposes of established techniques of cell biology, molecular biology and immunology (primary cells, cocultures) and has access to core platforms of the Charité/BIH (Genomics, Bioinformatics, Biobank). We offer a highly relevant biomedical research project in an interactive group and a stimulating and internationally highly competitive environment.

Entry requirements

  • Academic degree (completed Master´s Thesis for natural scientists) in human or veterinary medicine, biology or other life science
  • Doctorate/PhD in virology or immunology with visible publication record
  • Fluent Englisch, German language desirable
  • IT skills
  • High degree of self-initiative and team-working ability, analytical thinking, excellent organisation and communication skills, self-responsibility
  • Knowledge and experience in animal experimentation and/or cell/molecular biology
  • Experience in experimental work with BSL3 pathogens
  • Experience in drafting and writing of manuscripts and research grants is required
  • Expertise on high-end confocal microscopy is desirable
  • Experience in teaching and supervision of students (w/m/d) is welcome
Further details
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