And The Winners of #MicrobeArt2023 Are...


The well-loved Microbe Art Competition made its comeback to celebrate International Microorganism Day 2023. With the entry period over, the judges voted for the winning art which you can see below.

The Microbe Art Competition is an effort brought about to support and promote International Microorganism Day on September 17. International Microorganism Day aims to raise awareness about the importance of microorganisms and microbiology research among the general public, and our contest supplemented these efforts.

People from all around the world were able to enter the Microbe Art Competition by posting their artistic entries on TwitterFacebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn using the hashtags #MicrobeArt2023 and #InternationalMicroorganismDay.

Thank you to everyone who entered our #MicrobeArt2023 competition.


The winners are:

Grand Prize: Best Art Overall: Olivia Mrozinski

Best Agar Art: Gamadaia

Best Cartoon: Sopida Wongwas

Best Illustration or Painting: Giulia Ghisleni

Best Photography: Jeffer Brendon

Best Physical Piece: Wannes Van Holm

Best Writing: Joana C. Barbosa


See the winner creations below:

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