Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

The Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei is an Italian academy that promotes scientific excellence through its Fellowship, which has included prestigious scientific names. The Academy’s mission is to promote, coordinate, integrate and spread scientific knowledge in its highest expressions and accomplishes this through the organization of national and international conferences, meetings and seminars, research activities and missions and awards and grants. Only the microbiologists from this wider academy are listed below.

Ascenzi, Paolo
Cappuccinelli, Pietro
Montecucco, Cesare
FEMS Journals and Open Access

Embracing an Open Future

All but one of the FEMS journals are fully open access (OA), with one journal, FEMS Microbiology Letters, offering free-to-publish and OA options. Open access is key to supporting the FEMS mission of disseminating high quality research as widely as possible: when high quality, peer reviewed sound science is open access, anyone, anywhere in the world with an internet connection, can read it.

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