FEMS-ASM Mäkelä-Cassell Travel Award for Early Career Scientists
The FEMS-ASM Award supports the reciprocal exchange of one member from each organization to present their research at the other organization’s main conference. It has been designed to benefit early career scientists from both organizations by giving them the opportunity to present their work overseas and experience the best of microbiology in the partner country.
ASM will select the member attending the biannual FEMS Congress and FEMS will select the member attending the ASM General Meeting occurring in intermittent years when no FEMS Congress is held.
These awards are to support travel and living costs of the grantee only, at maximum amounting to EUR 4,000.
FEMS Applicants
FEMS will select the member attending ASM Microbe occurring in 2024. Applicants should be microbiologists active in research and be current PhD (or equivalent) students or recipients of PhD within the past five years. They should be members of a FEMS Member Society. The awardee will be selected from applicants whose abstract has been accepted for presentation.
Submit an abstract and travel award application via the abstract submission site for either the FEMS Congress or ASM Microbe depending on the year. The link to the application form will be available below once the award applications are open.
Past Winners of the Mäkelä-Cassell Awards
ASM-FEMS Mäkelä-Cassell Awardee | Laura Catón, University of Cambridge. UK
FEMS-ASM Mäkelä-Cassell Awardee | Paul Solis-Reyes, Western University, London, Canada
ASM-FEMS Mäkelä-Cassell Awardee | Laura Glendinning, PhD, Core Scientist (Research Fellow) in Genetics and Genomics at the University of Edinburgh
FEMS-ASM Mäkelä-Cassell Awardee | Suparna Mitra, University Academic Fellow at the Leeds Institute of Medical Research
ASM-FEMS Mäkelä-Cassell Awardee | Azul Zurzoli, PhD Research Student at the University of Dundee
FEMS-ASM Mäkelä-Cassell Awardee | Valerie de Anda, Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Texas at Austin, USA
ASM-FEMS Mäkelä-Cassell Awardee | Mohd Zulkifli Salleh, Graduate Teaching Assistant at University of Manchester, UK
FEMS-ASM Mäkelä-Cassell Awardee | Kana Morinaga
ASM-FEMS Mäkelä-Cassell Awardee | Ajijur Rahman
FEMS-ASM Mäkelä-Cassell Awardee | Ember Morrissey
ASM-FEMS Mäkelä-Cassell Awardee | Francesca Turroni
FEMS-ASM Mäkelä-Cassell Awardee | Clayton Caswell
All but one of the FEMS journals are now fully open access (OA), with one journal, FEMS Microbiology Letters remaining a subscription journal with free-to-publish and OA options. Open access is key to supporting the FEMS mission of disseminating high quality research as widely as possible: when high quality, peer reviewed sound science is open access, anyone, anywhere in the world with an internet connection, can read it.