Meet FEMS Grantee Ábris Bendes

29-01-21 cameronw1986

Research and Training Grants assist early career scientists in pursuing research and training at a European host institution in a country other than their own country of residence

Ábris Bendes, Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland

Host supervisor and host laboratory: Prof. Akihiro Narita, Structural Biology Research Center, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan 

Period in host laboratory: 22 January 2020 to 25 March 2020

Member Society: Finnish Biochemical, Biophysical, and Microbiological Society

Ábris Bendes‘’Hailing from Hungary as a biochemical engineer and a structural biologist, I am working in Finland as a PhD student, elucidating the unique motility of the malaria parasite. I am particularly interested in the emerging state-of-the-art structural biology methods and their application towards pathogenic systems.

My research visit to the Structural Biology Research Center at the Nagoya University in Japan was a very fruitful experience. The aim of my stay was to pave the road to a collaborative project and to attain hands-on experience in the field of cryo-EM using the specialised techniques of the host group. During my visit I had the opportunity to work together with outstanding experts in my field, gaining useful scientific insight and networking opportunities that will prove invaluable for my future in science.”

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