Meet FEMS Research & Training Grantee George Grimsey
George Grimsey, The University of Sheffield, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Sheffield, UK
Host supervisor and host laboratory: Professor Corina Brussaard, NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Den Burg, Texel, The Netherlands
Period in host laboratory: 16 September 2019 to 30 April 2020
Member Society: Microbiology Society
I am graduating from a masters in Biochemistry and Microbiology at the University of Sheffield this summer. During my studies I have been involved in a variety of projects ranging from X-ray crystallography to mycorrhizal fungi symbiosis. I have broad ranging interests within microbiology but have been particularly interested in marine microbiology and virology. In the future, I would like to apply my microbiology experience in areas of agriculture, focusing on creating a more sustainable food supply. During my course I had the opportunity to complete an extended research project at another institution. I have a particular interest in marine microbiology and viral ecology, and Professor Brussaard’s lab at the NIOZ (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research) conduct frontier research in this area. I was able to complete exciting work on phytoplankton virus competition dynamics, which will form the basis of a publication. Alongside this invaluable experience, I had the chance to work at a non-university research institution abroad and meet outstanding marine scientists from all over the world. The FEMS Research and Training Grant enabled my stay on Texel, allowing me to benefit from this wonderful opportunity. I had organised an exciting opportunity abroad, studying an area I was particularly interested. The FEMS grant was going to enable me to live on Texel (Netherlands) for this opportunity. I wanted the opportunity to study marine algal viruses. I hoped to learn and gain experience from working in a productive research group at an important institute abroad. I have achieved all of these goals and thoroughly enjoyed the experience, meeting some wonderful people. The grant facilitated me taking an unpaid role abroad which I was excited to take. As a result, I have been able to be a part of important frontier research, contributing to our current knowledge of this important research area.’’ — George Grimsey