Abstract Application for Late Breaking Abstracts will be open until the deadline of 1 May 2023, 23:59 CET. From all applications that have been completed via this form, the FEMS2023 Programme Committee will select abstracts for poster presentations in the main topics.
If the number of available posters has been reached, abstract submission will remain open, however only for digital poster presentation via the Congress App.
What are the requirements for late breaking abstracts?
The general abstract requirements for late breaking abstracts are the same as those for regular abstracts and can be found on our abstracts page. Late breaking abstracts can be submitted from 17 April to 1 May. We welcome new, breaking findings in this abstract submission round, but also abstracts from those who could not submit timely for the first abstract submission round.
Can I submit a Late Breaking Abstract for an oral presentation?
No, the Late Breaking Abstract submission is only for poster presentations. Due to the limited space, if the number of available posters has been reached, abstract submission will remain open, however only for digital poster presentation via the Congress App.
Can I apply for a grant of award when submitting a Late Breaking Abstract?
No, the grants and awards application rounds closed 6 February 2023.