A priority paper providing an expert perspective on coronaviruses, which is free-to-access for all, has just been published in our journal Pathogens and Disease. The authors are Cristiano Salata, Arianna Calistri, Cristina Parolin, and Giorgio Palù, former president of the European Society of Virology.
Read Coronaviruses: a paradigm of new emerging zoonotic diseases
This perspective is intended to provide a reliable source of trusted expert commentary on the novel type of coronavirus infecting humans that first appeared in Wuhan, China, at the end of December 2019.
The disease has now been named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization (WHO), but this name had not been decided on acceptance of this paper, in which the moniker 2019-nCoV is used. This paper took just 10 days from submission to publication online.
Priority papers are timely articles of high relevance to the scope of Pathogens and Disease. These articles will be examined by the editorial board, and a decision on whether they will be forwarded for review will be made within 48 hours of submission. If sent for review, we guarantee a decision within 21 days from submission. Example of articles that will be considered for this category are, but not limited to:
- Articles on a novel, potential breakthrough concept
- Articles on a very current topic (for example, new treatments for an ongoing health emergency; reports on emerging pathogens)
- Findings significantly different from previously published, high impact research
- Complementary research,” i.e., studies of high significance that confirm/overlap with recently published reports
The length of Priority papers will be limited to 3000 words, and no more than 3 figures; additional figures can be provided as supplemental information.
Before submission, it is advisable to make an enquiry to the editorial office (femspd.editorialoffice@oup.com) to ascertain whether a paper would be suitable as a Priority paper. Cover letters should include justification for their inclusion in this category.